lunes, 28 de abril de 2008


Recibí estas medias blancas como un regalo de mi abuela hace ya un tiempo... mi único intento de usarlas había sido mal recibido por parte de algunas amigas y eso me hizo esconderlas intimidada en el fondo de un cajón olvidado.
Creo, sin embargo, que se sienten ya quizá solas ahí guardadas. Ven como todas las demás, sin importar su color, salen a ver el mundo y a andar conmigo. Las rojas, las verdes, las marrones, las negras, las moradas... todas han conocido parques, fiestas y galerias. Algunas han visto anocheceres, otras me acompanaron hasta el amanecer.

Asi que hoy les tocó a ellas y timidamente salieron a dar sus primeros pasos. El mundo les gustó mucho y yo estoy emocionada de poderles ensenar más de este en el futuro.

This white tights were a gift from my lovely grandmother some time ago... my only attempt to wear them went very wrong in the eyes of some of my friends, who critisized them. The event made me hide them, feeling silly, in the back of a forgotten drawer.

I think they might be starting to feel lonely there, its probably no fun, being hidden in the back of a drawer. They have to stay there, and watch all the other tights go out, see the world and walk with me around the city. The red ones, the purple ones, the green ones, the black and the brown ones... they've all know parks, parties and galleries. Some of them have seen the night fall, and others have been with me watching the sunrise.

So today, it was finally their turn, and, although a bit shy, they took their first proud steps. I have to say, they liked it out here a lot, and I can't wait to show them some more of the world.


The very lovely Romeika tagged me to write six unspectacular quirks about me... I'll try to have that done for tomorrow. I'm so excited!

12 comentarios:

..... dijo...

your blog pictures are quite cool and it's always very heavy and yellow ! im lovin that style

Dollfaced Rebel dijo...

I happen to LOVE white tights, but never wear them from fear of getting made fun of. I haven't worn them since grade school, and wouldn't know what to pair them with.

Luxe. dijo...

I loooove white tights!!

Cate dijo...

i love the white tights, i can't see why your friends criticised them!

Kira Aderne dijo...

muy hermosa!!!

amo todo el look, es divino!!!

besitos y abrazos,


Unknown dijo...

uyy jimena me fascinan las medias blancas!!! lo malo es q hacen q mis piernitas se miren mas gruesesitas :P pero aun asi me encantan y ya me imagino como volteas miradas con ellas ;) se te ven super!
ah y te cuento q ayer puse un post nuevo, chequealo!


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse dijo...

Those tights are great, so nice for them to be liberated from your drawer as well. I still covet a pair of white tights.
The places I take pictures are usually quiet, I go in non-peak hours, but I still often run into other people, I just linger until they are gone to take my photos.

Dotti dijo...

I'm quite happy you dropped by and left a comment. As it made me spot your blog. You have such a nice way of writing – I could read for hours. And not to forget: Lovely pics. You're definately on my daily list now...

Romeika dijo...

Your friends are so clueless! Good thing you didn't care about their opinion after all, and decided to wear these lovely tights, and how sweet it was ur grandma's present. I wish I had legs to pull off such tights, you go girl!

Looking forward to read ur quirks!

Ella Gregory dijo...

I always think of little girls when I see white tights but these look really modern and cool!

e. jay dijo...

I think white tights are great. I would wear them just to get the looks.

Libby dijo...

White tights are somewhat of a staple to me right now, so easy to match with anything! Keep rocking them :)