Quizá si empiezo a escribir en castellano y después busco traducirlo al inglés no se pierda tanto de lo que quiero decir... quizá. Así doy por iniciado este experimento bilingüe.
Lately, I have realized how much I feel like writing and blogging in Spanish. It is, after all, the language I grew up with, and its words are full of very personal and subjetive subtleties that I have discovered I'm not really capable of finding or transmitting in other languages.
Its a shame since I used to feel English, as a language, very close to me (a lot of my favorite books were originally written in English and that is the way I read them), and I always thought about the possibility of writing in English when I did so creatively. Yet, this blogging experience has showed me how difficult it is to be truly soaked by a different language of one's own. I can feel how my words become more basic in English, and right in front of my eyes, I watch concepts and thoughts become simpler, losing their melodic rythm, they don't seem to flow.
Maybe if I start by writing in Spanish and then re-writing it in English then I will be able to capture better what it is that I want to say... maybe. So, this is how I will start this bilingual experiment...
Maybe if I start by writing in Spanish and then re-writing it in English then I will be able to capture better what it is that I want to say... maybe. So, this is how I will start this bilingual experiment...
Josefa me pidió que leyera a uno de los personajes del guión.
Me pidió también que estuviese vestida de negro totalmente, aunque con algún toque de color fuerte, quizá una falda con estampados... En ese momento recordé una falda que había mencionado antes en el blog. Una de mis mejores thrifts... aquí está. Ahora que es más corta, me gusta muchísimo, y los bolsillos y botones por delante hacen de ella una de mis faldas favoritas.
My dear friend, Josefa, took a play-writing class the last couple of months and today is the final presentation of the workshop. Every student has been asked to present one short play or monologue they wrote during the class. Jose asked me to read one of the characters in her short play about two sisters.
When she asked me to dress in black, but with a touch of bright colour inmediately thought of the skirt I had mentioned earlier on this blog as my best thrift find so far. The silk is so smooth and the quality is amazing, and now that I've shortened it I love it. I specially love the side pockets and the fact that it buttons on the front.
Since Lima is already getting pretty cold at nights, I put on a red jacket (who would have guessed... it is only since very recently that I like red... used to hate it!) and a scarf I just finished knitting a week ago and that I can't seem to take off.
Si quisiese cambiar un poco el ánimo de este outfit, cambiaría las leggings negras y las botas por medias rojas y sandalias. Leí en algún blog the las medias rojas son la nueva moda... (la verdad no sigo la moda y las tendencias muy de cerca)... y estas las he tenido desde el invierno pasado, supongo que eso me hace una chica fashion forward, una fashionista! (quién se hubiese imaginado.. yo no!)
For a change of mood, I would change the black tights and boots for red tights and sandals... I read in someone's blog that red tights are the new big trend (I don't really follow fashion and trends much) and I've had these since last winter... I seem to be a fashion forward person now (who would have guessed!?)
Thank you for dropping by, xxx
17 comentarios:
hello dear!
you are so right!
my native language is portuguese and of course i am better in that language, but my language it s not understood by everybody, so i write in english. I am study a little bit of spanish, but i am not able to write well yet.
i completely understand what you are feeling...
i like the blog in two languages!
a kiss and a hug,
ah, the look is fantastic!!!
love the red tights!
more kisses
Running a bilingual blog is so impressive! Mad props! I really like your outfit, especially with the red tights.
la sexta foto es tan profesional!!! a primera vista pensé que era algo de vogue o otra revista de moda!!!
I LOVE your skirt, your red tights and the bag. I've been looking for red tights for quite some time, unfortunately, I haven't found the right shade of red.. I dont want a scarlet red, but some more dark tone.
And totally understanding u on blogging in spanish! It's nice so I guess to read it in ur mother language;-)
I started blogging in English too, but after a while I realized I couldn't say all I wanted in English (well I don't have _that_ much to say anyway..)
So now I am balancing between Finnish and English. Eventhough I first write in Finnish, the English version isn't ever a direct translation. It's just thoughts that came up after writing in Finnish... Complicated? Yes :)
beautiful skirt.
estoy muy impresionada con tu blog! me encanta leer en español y ojala algun dia pueda sar tan 'smooth' como tu =)
You certainly wear your stuff well.
osu, que trabajón hacerlo en dos idiomas. A mí me encantaría escribir en español, pero ya fue. Igual tengo otras formas de expresarme en mi idioma y tener un blog en inglés me ayuda a practicarlo.
Tu bolso es literalmente: PERFECTO.
Es curioso lo que me dices de que me viste en la u. Yo solo te vi una vez (la que nos saludamos) =$ Pero cuando te vea, diré 'hola', eso sí.
i love this outfit so much! The black and then the pop of color with the skirt and tights is such a great idea!
the tights, the shoes, the purse, the skirt. ugh. so jealous. totally beautiful
Jimena, I've tagged u! Check out my blog to see the rules. ^.^
That skirts is cute and reminds of the ones in the collectin from MiuMiu! And those red tights look really good with those heels! I think you read the blog from Fruchtzwerg Island!
red tights are amazing, they add spice to any outfit. amazing look. love it.
Great look! Especially liked the red stockings with the skirt and the handbag. Divine!
Ah the more (comments) the merrier...I also think the red tights with the skirt is really great!
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