lunes, 28 de abril de 2008


Recibí estas medias blancas como un regalo de mi abuela hace ya un tiempo... mi único intento de usarlas había sido mal recibido por parte de algunas amigas y eso me hizo esconderlas intimidada en el fondo de un cajón olvidado.
Creo, sin embargo, que se sienten ya quizá solas ahí guardadas. Ven como todas las demás, sin importar su color, salen a ver el mundo y a andar conmigo. Las rojas, las verdes, las marrones, las negras, las moradas... todas han conocido parques, fiestas y galerias. Algunas han visto anocheceres, otras me acompanaron hasta el amanecer.

Asi que hoy les tocó a ellas y timidamente salieron a dar sus primeros pasos. El mundo les gustó mucho y yo estoy emocionada de poderles ensenar más de este en el futuro.

This white tights were a gift from my lovely grandmother some time ago... my only attempt to wear them went very wrong in the eyes of some of my friends, who critisized them. The event made me hide them, feeling silly, in the back of a forgotten drawer.

I think they might be starting to feel lonely there, its probably no fun, being hidden in the back of a drawer. They have to stay there, and watch all the other tights go out, see the world and walk with me around the city. The red ones, the purple ones, the green ones, the black and the brown ones... they've all know parks, parties and galleries. Some of them have seen the night fall, and others have been with me watching the sunrise.

So today, it was finally their turn, and, although a bit shy, they took their first proud steps. I have to say, they liked it out here a lot, and I can't wait to show them some more of the world.


The very lovely Romeika tagged me to write six unspectacular quirks about me... I'll try to have that done for tomorrow. I'm so excited!

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Red and Black

Pues... me he dado cuenta que a veces me provoca escribir en castellano. Después de todo, es el idioma con el que crecí, y en cuyas palabras se encuentran sutilezas muy personales y subjetivas que no soy capaz de transmitir en el otros idiomas. Es una pena, pues sentía el inglés muy cerca, (muchos de mis libros favoritos fueron escritos originalmente en inglés y de esa manera los leí) pensando alguna vez en la posibilidad de escribir en aquel idioma cuando lo hiciera de manera creativa. La experiencia de este blog, sin embargo, me dejó muy en claro lo difícil que es en verdad sumergirse en una lengua distinta a la de uno. Siento mis palabras en inglés más básicas, y veo frente a mis ojos los conceptos simplificarse, pierden melodía, fluidez, no corren.

Quizá si empiezo a escribir en castellano y después busco traducirlo al inglés no se pierda tanto de lo que quiero decir... quizá. Así doy por iniciado este experimento bilingüe.

Lately, I have realized how much I feel like writing and blogging in Spanish. It is, after all, the language I grew up with, and its words are full of very personal and subjetive subtleties that I have discovered I'm not really capable of finding or transmitting in other languages.

Its a shame since I used to feel English, as a language, very close to me (a lot of my favorite books were originally written in English and that is the way I read them), and I always thought about the possibility of writing in English when I did so creatively. Yet, this blogging experience has showed me how difficult it is to be truly soaked by a different language of one's own. I can feel how my words become more basic in English, and right in front of my eyes, I watch concepts and thoughts become simpler, losing their melodic rythm, they don't seem to flow.
Maybe if I start by writing in Spanish and then re-writing it in English then I will be able to capture better what it is that I want to say... maybe. So, this is how I will start this bilingual experiment...

Mi querida amiga Josefa estuvo los últimos meses llevando un curso de dramaturgía y hoy es la muestra final del taller. Para esto, todos los alumnos presentarán un guión que escribieron durante el taller en una ceremonia de clausura en la Alianza Francesa.
Josefa me pidió que leyera a uno de los personajes del guión.
Me pidió también que estuviese vestida de negro totalmente, aunque con algún toque de color fuerte, quizá una falda con estampados... En ese momento recordé una falda que había mencionado antes en el blog. Una de mis mejores thrifts... aquí está. Ahora que es más corta, me gusta muchísimo, y los bolsillos y botones por delante hacen de ella una de mis faldas favoritas.

My dear friend, Josefa, took a play-writing class the last couple of months and today is the final presentation of the workshop. Every student has been asked to present one short play or monologue they wrote during the class. Jose asked me to read one of the characters in her short play about two sisters.
When she asked me to dress in black, but with a touch of bright colour inmediately thought of the skirt I had mentioned earlier on this blog as my best thrift find so far. The silk is so smooth and the quality is amazing, and now that I've shortened it I love it. I specially love the side pockets and the fact that it buttons on the front.
Lima está ya mucho más frío, así que me abrigué con un saco rojo (nunca me hubiese imaginado! mi amor por el rojo es muy reciente) y una chalina que terminé de tejer hace una semana y que jamás me saco ahora.

Since Lima is already getting pretty cold at nights, I put on a red jacket (who would have guessed... it is only since very recently that I like red... used to hate it!) and a scarf I just finished knitting a week ago and that I can't seem to take off.
Si quisiese cambiar un poco el ánimo de este outfit, cambiaría las leggings negras y las botas por medias rojas y sandalias. Leí en algún blog the las medias rojas son la nueva moda... (la verdad no sigo la moda y las tendencias muy de cerca)... y estas las he tenido desde el invierno pasado, supongo que eso me hace una chica fashion forward, una fashionista! (quién se hubiese imaginado.. yo no!)

For a change of mood, I would change the black tights and boots for red tights and sandals... I read in someone's blog that red tights are the new big trend (I don't really follow fashion and trends much) and I've had these since last winter... I seem to be a fashion forward person now (who would have guessed!?)

Thank you for dropping by, xxx

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

pretty little things under the sun

This weather is driving me crazy. A few days ago, the sunny sky and the lovely light seemed just right for this summer dress and today, I would have frozen had I not worn socks, shoes, trousers, a jacket and a light cotton scarf (which I finished knitting a few days ago and hope to post photos of soon). It makes dressing in the morning such a hard task!
I only put on the sweater for the photo, it was pretty late in the afternoon and it was getting a bit chilly, it was to hot to wear anything over the dress during the morning.
Anyway... these are my new shoes. I love them. And apparently bows seem to be what everyone is talking about lately, right?
Oh... catching on with the trends...

I wish I could show better photos of the dress, it was such a lovely day that I felt I really needed to take the pictures outside, unfortunately, I have no tripod, so setting the camera somewhere at a decent height was a rather impossible task.
There is Iago... as usual.

This bag has a special meaning to me. It's nothing special, but my mother used to wear it when she was my age and its one of the few things she kept (don't really know why...). I have traded a lot of my more stylish bags for this one, isn't it nice to wear things that belonged to the people you love?

I tried to take a photo of the whole outfit, yet Iago got in the way and my camera's battery died!


viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

Holly stripes, Batman!

Here's the deal. I love clothes. I love colour. I love fabrics.
I love fashion, but I've never really followed fashion shows or kept a close eye of celebrities' trends. There's no actual reason for this, its just the way its been. Clothing, to me, was always about expressing who I was, and most of the time, I couldn't really find anything out on the streets that I felt identified with. I marched at my own rythm. I gotta admit, this has changed over the years, and I now find some pleasure in experimenting with trends and trying to spin them in my own personal way.
Still, I don't really keep up with the latest trends and I've been rarely seen wearing the 'it' item of the moment. I usually catch up with those a bit too late. While inspiration may come from a variety of places, runways are usually the last source I turn too.
So I was quite a bit surprised about the fact of how much I fell in love with Luella's collection.
After seeing their beautiful florals I went on a flower hunt that hasn't finished yet and started craving for a Batman sweater or shirt. In reality, I knew the latter would be a desire quite hard to satisfy. I don't think Peru is gonna catch up any time with Luella's show and a vintage Batman item was going to be hard to find. Since I don't have a credit card, E-Bay was out of the question.
I kind of gave up. And then... well, I don't really know what happened. I guess the fashion fairies worked hard at night, because when I woke up a few days ago I found a Batman hoodie in my closet! I don't know where it came from. I asked my friends, my mother, everyone, and nobody knows who it might belong to.
I didn't really tell anybody about my Batman fantasy so I don't think it could be a mistery present from someone I know.
So... I don't know where it came from, but here it is! And... I guess it's mine!

I wore this today for a relaxed day at uni. I didn't really plan the outfit, just threw on pretty much the first thing I felt like wearing. I wasn't really sure where I got the idea of wearing my Batman hoodie with a striped top until it suddenly hit me. I had seen it been worn like this, here! Funny how we might not really be thinking about something at a specific moment, yet, it re-surfaces without us knowing!

Thank you for looking!

I have to run to work now!


lunes, 7 de abril de 2008

expected to be in a certain way

After reading another blog's post about vests, I realized maybe it was time to take mine out and wear it a bit more before they are definitely past their time. In my personal opinion, that is happening already. It's funny, vests should be one of those timeless pieces in everyone's wardrobes, but there seems to have been such a vest overdose in the last couple of years that my guess is that they'll have to be put to sleep for a long time to come before they stop being annoying.
But anyhow, I don't think that time has come yet, and then again I could just be completely wrong.

I decided to wear a bit more of my good ol'vest today and that triggered some conversations and thoughts. I've always been more a whimsical, femenine, vintage-dresses kind of gal. I knit, so my outfits tend to be accentuated by long relaxed scarfs, knitted berets and lacy items. That is, most of the time, the kind of look I feel makes sense with my personality and my personal and particular view of the world. When the city becomes just a bit to overwhelming, and the modern world seems too much likes its on a rush, it feels good to dress like you belong to a little cottage in the woods. I've been dressing like that for the last couple of years, specially while I was involved with my ex-boyfriend, a relationship that lasted 2 years. He has a very set and narrow mind on how women should be, and his ideas on what femeninity means, initially seemed very appealing and attractive to me. In an environment where most guys want bare skin, tight clothes and 'sexy' looks, its seemed to me so refreshing to find someone that was attracted to my usual style. In a country where most people dress the same, and there is one set ideal of beauty, it was encouraging to be with someone that understood what I felt and allowed me to explore it.

Nevertheless, I realized in time that what I thought was liberating, was actually quite restrictive. He also had a very narrow mind on what beautiful was, and I realized I couldn't really experiment with who I was or how I expressed myself. I was expected to be in a certain way, and anything else was me just being crazy or messing with myself.

So I ran into him today. And when he looked at me, his first comment was 'hey! that's not you! why are you dressed like this' and shaked his head in disaproval.

The thing is, I wouldn't mind him not liking my outfit. What seriously annoyed me was the 'it's not you' comment. What is it about people that makes them have the need to create a set image of everyone around them? Why should we be 'someone'? We should be able to be anyone we want, and one of the greatest things about human nature for me, is the way in which we can hold contrasts and contradictions within us. Clothes should be about expresing our many natures, being able to change and change again. They definitely shouldn't be about proving a point to anyone. Life shouldn't be about proving a point. If you are working so hard at trying to show everyone else what you want them to see in you, you are still acting for them.

Its true, the outfit here is not reflective of my usual style. But it is how I felt today, therefore it represents a true part of who I am.

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Young Folks and... Pleats?

Up until recently, one of the things I was thankful the most was the fact that high waisted pants with pleats were definitely (and for what I imagined for ever) out of style.

Photos like this are giving me a hard time keeping that point of view.

The great photography is, of course, from the Sartorialist.

Young Folks

The Lousiville born-NY based singer-songwriter Dawn Landes is my latest musical discovery. I was lucky enough to ran into her Peter, Bjorn & John's "Young Folks" cover recently and kind of fell in love with it. Strangely enough, I found some parts of the song rather annoying when I first heard it (old folks singing out of tune for half the song in a rather off-setting contrast with her soulful and sweet voice), until they suddenly clicked and worked. Specially when I watched the video and realized they're sung by... well, old folks. Rather cute if I may say so myself.
So I really wanted to write this post, because hopefully, someone else will listen and fall in love with her music as much as I did. And there are not many things in life that, for me, compare to the pleasure of exploring and finding new sounds. While she puts a bluegrass spin on "Young Folks", she does an amazing job in delivering a traditional American sound with a modern twist through the rest of her album. Her voice is soothing and mellow, and melancholic yet cheerful and hopefull. I'm not really sure how well known she is in America (maybe she's old news for you folks already), but here in Peru, I haven't met anyone who knows her yet.

Researching a bit to write this, I found some photos and realized not only is her music beautiful, but so is her and her style. With a quirky yet understated style, she makes me think of places I haven't seen yet I long for.

No 'what I wore today' post tonight. I've got too much work to do to even try and find batteries for the camera. I'll do it tomorrow.
By the way, congratulations to Aisha from ColouredBlue for her first blogger's birthday!

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Market Morning

Its been such a beautiful morning. Although I recently wrote about kissing summer good bye, I've got to admit, the sun still seems quite reluctant to completely leave. Nights are a bit chillier than before, but the mornings still have a beatiful golden tone to them that just makes me happy.

So I decided to cut classes today and stay home. The thing is, its a 40 minutes ride to my university and while I like it there, its definitely not in the nicest of neighbourhoods. I'm glad I study there, and I realize how priviledged I am to be getting a great education in a country where most are struggling to survive and make it through the day. Not only that, but its a great university too. Not only academically, but I've met some of the most interesting people I know there, and I've made friendship I know I'll treasure for life. Although its called Catholic University, don't let the name fool you (although I've met some pretty cool Catholics so please don't take any offense in this comment), its actually known for being a very open-minded environment, with a diverse student body and a strong participation in the national's cultural and social development. But the thing is, I just couldn't make myself go there today. I wasn't really in the mood to sit in traffic for almost an hour, with all the pollution and the noise.
So I stayed home. Glad I did. I drove my bycicle down to the nearby market to buy some fruits and took my dog out for a walk.

Walking down the market, with the smell of fruits and flowers all around me, astound by the colours surrounding me was just what I needed. Sometimes people forget about the simplest pleasures in life, moments that don't really have anything magnificent about them, but that make life a more enjoyable experience. Everything's easier in the world today, its easier to eat, to move, to dress... If you're among the lucky ones in the world, things will be done for you by someone else. You can enter a supermarket, and there is everything, picked and packaged for you. Or open a magazine, to know exactly what to wear, take a care to the store, park as close to the door as you can and dress in the clothes somebody desgined just so they would sell well. It was nice, skipping class, taking the morning off and going to the market. It was nice, not to do much.

The thing is, I've started this new part-time job. It's at a restaurant, and one that I quite enjoyed eating in before my job started. It's like a cozy Italian trattoria, and quite popular. I have to dress in black, tie my hair back and take reservations, show people to their tables, manage the waiting list, etc. Its a good job, and the pay is decent (not saying decent as a euphemism for not bad at all - which would be a euphemism for pretty darn good- but just 'decent'). But... I don't know, I guess I"m just not used to doing something I'm not really feeling deep inside. Maybe I'm just a spoiled brat. But I can't help missing the nights I used to have just for myself. (its a night job, since I'm at uni during the day). The good thing is, now I'll be able to save money for a few things I really really want to do (I won't tell what they are, I don't want to jinx them...). Hopefully I won't spend it all in clothes!

After writing my last post, about flowers, I went through my closet again and realized I have PLENTY of things with flower prints. Specially skirts and dresses. Some of them are a bit too romantic and sweet for my taste, but some of them I still love. Don't really know why they had been thrown in the back of my closet.

I found this black dress like shirt with white flowers Ibought for about 1$ in a thrift market. I know I said something about punking flowers up, but this time I just felt like going for something easy and relaxed. Wasn't really trying too hard today.

martes, 1 de abril de 2008


Florals seem to be appearing everywhere. I see them worn in so many different styles its impossible not to feel attracted to the endless possibilities they have to offer.

I got my *best* thrift find ever recently. I floral high waisted skirt with pockets on the side. The silk is so soft it makes me want to sleep in it, and I love that the colours and the print remind me of some tacky Miamiesque 80's skirt. Its a bit too long, which makes it just look outdated, but I'm cutting it today to make it shorter. I'll be posting soon on how it turned out.

In the mean time, here are some different floral combinations I've been running into. First two from Facehunter and the third one from Sally Jane Vintage. I tried to show a floral top combination, a floral skirt one and a floral dress one.

The thing is, I did go through a strong floral phase sometime... quite a few years ago. I was channeling my inner hippie through floral blouses and skirts, but I felt like those years were over for a good reason. I mean, no more peasant blouses for me please!

Nevertheless, after finding this beautiful silk skirt I understood why flowers haven't gone out of style after all these decades. It's their adapting potential what makes them an always-returning fashion. Although floral prints make me instinctively think of boho outfits and natural romantic long wavy hair, some have managed to give them a rather fun spin.

Look at Luella's collection for some punk-floral inspiration.

So... I'm now so convinced about the imperative need of finding some cute flower skirts and blouses. That will be my weekend mission it seems. I think I might go for overly cute/slightly tacky flower prints to try and punk them up a bit. I'll let you know how it goes. I've got a busy busy day today and tomorrow, but I'll try and get pictures of my silk skirt to show you soon.
