lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Brown all over

Si existen los dioses de las compras de segunda mano... ¡este fin de semana se despertaron de muy buen humor...!
If thrift gods happen to exist somewhere... then I'm guessing they woke up in a very good mood this weekend!

Encontre un maravilloso par de zapatos marrones... I found the most beautiful pair of brown shoes.

Confieso que son un poco pequeños y que tan solo puedo usarlos con medias muy delgadas... pero, ¿son perfectos o me lo estoy imaginando?

Yes, they are a bit small, and I can only wear them with really thin socks... but I still think they are perfect, aren't they?

I really had been meaning to get shoes like this for a long long time

Encontre también esta cartera marrón, cómoda y espaciosa... Me recuerda a las que usa mi abuela, tan bonitas.
... Oh, and I also found this lovely brown bag, so roomy and comfortable. It reminds me of the ones my grandmother likes to wear... so pretty.

Finalmente... este collar que combina especialmente bien con uñas rojas y expresiones sonsas.

Finally, this necklace that I feel goes very well with red nails and silly looks.

I have mid-terms this week so I don't think I'll be posting at least until the weekend. Have a lovely week and don't forget to come back soon!

25 comentarios:

Sabrina dijo...

Good choice on the light skirt! Words cannot express my love for those shoes. They're so cute!

Anónimo dijo...

I love those shoes!!! Definitely worth it, even if they are a tad small :)

Liz Lizo dijo...

Very classy look.

Kira Aderne dijo...

que cosas buenas que tienes!!!
el bolso y los zapatos son mismo muy lindos, me voy después para una tienda de segunda mano que hay em mi calle!

besos y abrazos,
gracias por sus lindas palabras!
es muy dulce,
de la amiga,

Auntie Tati dijo...

It's always such a great feeling when you find something you have been searching for!

If the shoes are made of leather, tehre's always the possibility that they will stretch a little...

Black. Leopard. Coffee. dijo...

don't worry about them being a tad small, it only means that you love them that much to sacrifice a little less circulation. haha. I'm wearing vintage suede boots right now that are a size smaller than i usually buy so don't worry, and p.s. my two maltese are my best friends too :)

Grace's dijo...

I love yours shoes, it's really pretty :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse dijo...

Great look and pictures. I found similar shoes awhile ago as well and they are similarily a wee bit small. The sacrifices we make for fashion!

Dotti dijo...

Good luck, dear. And you're more than just right: super duper fab shoes.

Sheryl dijo...


Cate dijo...

wonderful shoes! no matter if they're a bit small... they'll get "bigger" if you wear them a lot..

spiegeleule dijo...

wow what lovely shoes

..... dijo...

wow sweet !! what a cool blog idea and concept !!! keep it up

Luxe. dijo...

I love those boots!

Eyeliah dijo...

Oh, I adore your shoes! they look good with thin socks anyways.

The Fancier dijo...

You look so adorable! I like the bag!

P'tit colibri dijo...

I've just discover your blog ('cause you wrote on mine) and I'm so in love of your style. It look so simple, so easy... I love it.

Oh no! Oh my! dijo...

Those boots are great, very nice :)

styledigger dijo...

Wooow I love this boots!

Romeika dijo...

I have a cardigan just like that, in the exact same colour, brown, which happens to be one of the colours I like less.. The shoes are so pretty!

soph dijo...

oh i love the boots! i found some a bit similar a while ago, in maroon and black, they were fab, but the right one hurts too much to wear :(
very nice outfit

Latajaca Pyza dijo...

Those shoes are so adorable! And I love the pics, especially the last one.
Oh, and thanks for your comment and all your compliments. :)

LookingGlassGirl dijo...

I love your boots. They're so quaint. Oh and I found you on craftster!

karla deras dijo...

love love love your booots lady!

ediot dijo...

you so cute!